Intro: As we have been led to delve into a series of scriptural exposition on the theme “Producing the righteousness of God”, a series which the Lord has prepared to lead us into His supernatural blessings in the coming year 2019. As a church, let us pay an extremely close attention to these principles in order to experience a bunch of unimaginable blessings God has prepared for us in the New Year.
As I mentioned a while ago, every New Year comes with new packages of blessings and breakthroughs, but we need to be prepared and well positioned in order to meet the requirements for these blessings to be ours.
Focus of the Sermon – “SLOW TO SPEAK” The section of the verse 19 in the book of James chapter 1 which say Slow to Speak means being in control over your speech. Before you say anything, please check what the words are capable of doing.
This words of encouragement is very powerful, because mouth carries the sentence of our destiny. What we say, is what we see, and what we see, is what we get it.