In light of the Government guidance around non-essential contact, we have decided to pause our Sunday gatherings until further notice.
We would not be holding Sunday gatherings for now, but visit our website for updates on messages and published sermons. As a church, we are aware that we have been commissioned by God with a duty of care towards our immediate community. Therefore, we have committed ourselves to fervent prayers for our community / land that the Lord in His infinite mercy will heal our land and procure peace and joy for us all in these days of uncertainties. Please visit our official website (www.thedynastychurch.org) in order to update yourself with our online / published messages and information. You can also share these with family and friends, in order to have a wider reach.
Our prayer during these critical times is that, as we humbly seek the face of God as a people, he would have mercy on us and intervene in this horrific situation and we pray the peace of God remains with you all Amen! (1 Chronicles 7:13-14).