Rev. Rick Oldland

Rick Oldland is a pioneering and prophetic leader. His passion is to spread the fire of God’s love and presence everywhere. Rick has over 30 years full time ministry experience having trained at Spurgeon’s College London. He is married to Julie, and they have three children and five grandchildren. They love God, love people and love life.
His calling is to seek out, encourage and strengthen those upon whom the call of God lies and to raise up apostolic ‘beacon churches’ that will broadcast to whole regions the Good News of Jesus Christ as apostolic resource centres. Modelling the Kingdom as it is in Heaven on earth.
Rick is an ordained Baptist minister and also the Team Leader for Harvest Alliance UK & Europe, a global network of 6,500 churches that has been birthed out of the revival at Catch the Fire Toronto Church (formerly Toronto Airport Christian Fellowship) and a UK Director of Iris Global, the ministry of Drs Heidi & Rolland Baker.